Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Princess and the Puke

Annie is not a prissy dog.  She is the opposite of prissy, in fact.  Her person, however, could definitely be considered prissy at times.  So when she started throwing up every single time she rode in my car (never in Grandma and Grandpaw's car, of course), I decided that I had been sicked out enough, and decided to take matter into my own hands and credit card.

A few months ago, I had looked at $100+ dog car seats and promptly dismissed them as ridiculous.  However, after scooping up vomit and washing her blanket half a dozen times, $100+ was looking like a bargain.  Enter Crown Hill Pet Supply and two nice young men who not only helped me find the right size that could also match my interior (no leopard print or pink here) but also played with my spunky pup.

Here is the Princess of Puke sitting on her new throne.  She seemed to really enjoy her card ride home, which was the closest to hanging her head out the window she's ever going to get.

I own you, road.