...And I don't care if I have to sell drugs, or strip, or "work" on Aurora to do it, either. (What about working at Bank of America, you ask? Come on, what kind of person do you think I am? Have some integrity, people.)
It is officially winter. How do you know? Here are some signs:
Go to a coffee shop at 2pm, in the dark, because you need some caffeine to convince yourself that life is still worth living. However, that experience is so depressing that you have to bitch about it in your blog later.
The man on the radio says that at 24 degrees, Seattle is currently colder than the North Pole.
Come home and wash your hands after being on the bus. However, you stand dumbly in front of the sink for 3 to 5 minutes while the water warms up, because you CANNOT put your hands in cold water right now.
Stay late at work, even though you have nothing to do, because the wind howling up Pine Street is just too damn cold. It might be work, but at least it's warm inside!
Drink so many "Raspberry" Emergen-C's (like Airborne to the uninitiated) that your pee starts to turn a weird color. Whatever, because it's better than getting sick right now, and dude on the bus like aimed for you when he sneezed today.
Even your dog subtly moves away when you try to warm your feet on her one too many times.
All Dark and No Sun Makes Jessica a Clever Lady